Quality Assurance

We offer certified quality!

Our extensive Quality Management System guarantees the reliable fulfillment of the request of our customers.

Our Quality
The use of prime raw material, careful production planning, the use of gravimetric dosing systems, computer-controlled production and a thorough final control
guarantee an optimal, consistent quality of our Masterbatches and Compounds.

We are member of the Masterbatch Association. These companies are either manufacturing in Germany or they have there an own sales subsidiary.

ISO-Zertifikat.pdf (895 KB)

Quality Assurance

Our extensive quality management system guarantees a reliable fulfillment of your requirements.

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Questions about our products?

Kunststoff-Additive GmbH
Am Landwehrbach 11
Gewerbegebiet Kümper IV
48341 Altenberge / Germany

Tel.: +49 2505 / 93933-0
Fax: +49 2505 / 93933-33
E-Mail: info@nemitzgmbh.de
